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What if the value of Finnish forests would be 100x more?

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100x more


Forests, our green gold, have been instrumental for our independence and building a prosperous country. They cover 75 percent of our land area and produce a fifth of our exports. We believe the value of our forests could be higher and suggest that the value we currently capture is only a fraction of what our forests have to offer.


Forests, and what we do with them, provoke great emotions in all of us. With around 600 000 forest owners three quarters of the wood raw material used by industry comes from private forests. As tax-payers, all of us can view ourselves as forest owners and the every-man’s-right ensures that we all have the opportunity to enjoy our surrounding forests.


Where globalization and digitalization have given rise to industries and companies that grow exponentially the forest industry still exhibits quite linear growth and the cost structure in Finland has resulted in production moving abroad. We believe that Finnish forests have the potential to produce exponential value both in tangible and intangible ways and are on a mission to uncover these aspects of our forests –together with you!

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100x plan


We – the people at Metsä Ry. – are inspired amateurs and admirers of the sublime forest ecosystem. We take delight in everything at the forests, but are not engaged – too much – with the forestry ecosystem, conservationists and academic field.

Our mission is to shift our view towards the forest from mechanistic view to holistic where relative degree of life, degree of harmony or degree wholeness – in short the exponential value of forest. Our aim in this journey is to create a scientific based, amplified with art, view of the forest in which the concept of everything as potential to have transcendental degree of life and value is well-defined.


Fornemus finds, empowers, facilitates the growth of great ideas, people and teams to create future forest relationship.

Follow us on instagram @fornemus and twitter @fornemusinfo

Mikko-Pekka Hanski

Mirkku Kullberg

Ghita Wallin

want to collaborate? ->

and we thank our partner Metsämiesten säätiö for supporting our journey.